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Yarra Ranges Grant for Hills Regrowth and Renewal Festival -  July 2022

Status > Granted - we applied for $10,000 and have been granted $8,000

Project Title: Hills Renewal Festival

Project Summary: 

The Hills Regrowth and Renewal Festival was successfully staged as a community led celebration, involving folks and people who helped us as a response, recognising the needs for healing of our community after the trauma of the Great Storm of 9/10th June.

The Hills Renewal Festival was originally planned to take place over 3 days from 15th - 17th July 2022 at Kalorama Oval.

However - reflecting on the reality of winter in the Hills we have decided to focus all the activities on Sunday 17th July to provide a safe space for families and other community members to come and relax with entertainment, activities and hot food, with a range of activities, with performances by local school children, Indigenous dancers, local musicians and singers, with hot food and drinks, and afternoon tea.

The Djuri Djuri Dancers will perform at 3.15pm with the Healing Ceremony led by Murrunindi. 

Respected local elder, Murrundindi, suggested holding an annual event after the Healing Ceremony to bring local people together again.

Project Rationale: What is the need and how will you address it? *

The Hills community has faced lockdown challenges during the times of Covid, with months of home schooling, and local businesses suffering. On the night of 9th June 2021 we experienced the worst storm in Victoria's history, with many homes damaged and our beautiful forests decimated.

Our need is to find ways that will bring the community: individuals and families, as well as the people who work in the Hills, to support one another, with opportunities to meet and talk.

As we engage with our neighbours and friends, we need future events to plan and look forward to: events and activities for us as Hills people, but not tourists - although they love the Hills as much as we do. We are aware that it is not safe to organise large scale events in the Hills because of restricted public access / exit.

We will address this by planning and organising an exciting community weekend of creative arts, with an annual Healing Ceremony, bringing a positive focus to support mental and physical health and wellbeing, while developing strong and sustainable community connections. This weekend is a week after the schools return, so the area will not be so busy with visitors.

Application Form submitted: Click Here 

Offer letter and acceptance doc: Click Here 

Acceptance submission: Click Here  

Thank you, your submission has been received.   Submission Number: 2022G4C108

"Please outline how you will be meeting your funding conditions: * Please provide a copy of current insurance cover."

HCA does not yet have current insurance cover - we are not getting incorporated, so need to sort out insurance cover before the Festival 

Support documents submitted:











We have not added the amendments yet.





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