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Updated 10 7 23   

The brilliant first edition of the Hills Community Focus came out at end of June 2023 - the Winter 23 edition - well done to all involved 

Next edition - Spring 2023 due out in September. 

Great feedback 


I have a couple of poems from a local plus Emerald library and the pharmacy will run an ad with some copy Ian 

Hi Everyone

Thanks Annie for your feedback and proposed topics - the articles sound great!


I’ll follow Annie’s lead.


1. Distribution


I talked with Annie today and relayed my thoughts re distribution.


I’d not bother distributing many copies to the following as they still have a few copies left from the first distribution - Olinda Vet, and Form and Practice, so probably 6 copies each. 


I’d delete Olinda Ranges cafe as they store the magazine on their tourist brochure turnstile and there’s still a few copies there.


Continue with the Kalorama and Sassafras PO - probably 30 copies each.


The Olinda Pharmacy has been very popular - and it’s for locals, rather than tourists! They ran out of 15 copies and I’ve replaced with another 15 and they’re gone too! I’d deliver 40 copies there.


I also had to re stock Kallista Organic Shop with 20 more copies.


Bells Real Estate placed the magazine outside on the pavement and I believe it was a hit with tourists, (rather than locals, I expect). I restocked an additional 20 copies.


Probably a total of 150 copies.


2. Articles 


We’ve received two submissions from locals so far -


1. Cockatoo Fire Brigade Volunteer - probably 3/4 to 1 page

2. Poem  - probably 1/2 to 3/4 page


3. Birds of the Dandenong Ranges - new selection and commentary re birds - 1 page


4. Reproducing a request for submissions re articles submitted by volunteers which is in the first edition - 1/2 to 1/3 page


5. Graphic showing the dates, times and places for the Dandenong Ranges Spring markets - 1/3 to 1/2 page


6. What’s happening with … William Ricketts Sanctuary - Parks Victoria and the Cuckoo - 1 page


7. Interview with a local art gallery - e.g  Sherbrooke Art Gallery/ Kapi Space - 1 page


8. Ian said that Emerald library wanted to submit an article - probably 3/4 to 1 page


There’s also interest from the coordinator of the CFA to submit an article - either for this issue or the Summer one.


I’d also be interested in including Mary’s article about the local cemetery!


If we think we are going to run short of articles, I have permission to reproduce articles about mental health from the psychologists. I can also approach the Olinda Vet for a seasonal article. I’ve also written a book review which could be included.



3. Advertising 


I’d search out hospitality venues e.g King Henry’s in Sassafras, Dine Divine in Sassafras, Destiny Point in Kalorama and Citrine in Olinda to see if they wanted to advertise. Maybe they want to advertise their special deals or Spring menus?


I’d also approach Bells Real Estate in Olinda. They were distributing the magazine with their brochures at OFI, and providing the magazine to potential purchasers, as well as having the brochures out the front of their office. I think advertising in the magazine or purchasing copies to be distributed to potential purchasers might be worth pursuing.


4. Other


- I’ve received very positive feedback about the magazine!


- I think it would be advisable to use MS Word for the purposes of compiling the draft magazine, ready for editing/proof reading before using a graphic design software program.


- I suggest we use this email address to confirm our communications with prospective contributors so no one “falls through the cracks” and we have to work around including articles at the last minute.


- I recommend we have a realistic cut-off date e.g 15 August, where no new articles are considered for inclusion, except under special circumstances. It’s been my experience that it becomes stressful waiting for last minute submissions or calling for submissions without including a cut off date.


- I’d like to recommend an approximate word count and number of photos per page or half page etc - I’ll send that through in another email.


I’ll see you all tomorrow at the Zoom meeting,





commsafety@rangesgroupcfa.com.au Elissa Jones, DR Fire Brigades Group

Emerald Library + Belgrave Library 

jac.jcdc@gmail.com - 

Jacqui - response by Kate:   It was also great that you reached out and wanted to have us consider highlighting the various Dandenong Ranges Art Galleries and local artists.  We could consider a regular contribution for the Dandenong Ranges Arts! 

Here's some suggestions:

1. We could start with your Up Gallery in Sassafras for the next edition. We could interview you and add photos that you supply.  The interview format could be similar to the interview that we have in the current magazine, with Nat from the local radio station - 3MDR.  OR  You could write an article about your new UP gallery in Sassafras and could cover such ideas as: why you opened the gallery, where it is, about the space itself, the types of artists and art that's displayed etc and then send through some photos.  (I'm interstate from July 14 - 23 inclusive, but either myself or Annie can interview you before 1 August, if you have some time available and you choose that option).


2. You could describe your artist's journey with the medium that you use and include photos of your work and mention your new gallery.  You could also provide an overview of artists and galleries in the Dandenong Ranges and include some photos from your book; Hidden in the Hills: Artists of the Dandenong Ranges.

Rotary - Stef



Updated 27th Feb 2023

Newsletter ideas

The Hills Creative Alliance team are now working with Emerald Community House to produce a new local newsletter called 'Hills Community Focus'. 

We dont think that are plans to deliver to the 2,000 homes along 'the Ridgeway' are affordable. 

The first edition will include information and stories about what goes on with a focus on the storm affected communities, with Emergency Preparaness information intended as an individual and household preparedness conversation starter, to be used in addition to local information and seasonal updates

An example is available on YRC website



Our new website will now be ready to launch in March 2023


This is the holding wording:

Greetings and welcome to this new site which is being set up and developed by locals from the Hills Creative Alliance working to support the small communities from Tremont to Kalorama and Kalista, others from surrounding communities may also find it useful. 

We are setting up a management team and looking at how the site can provide the best information and easiest links to enable folks to find out what is going on to support us all as Covid continues, along with recovery from the storm in 2021 and to help people connect again. 

If you are interested in helping with the development of this resource, and the planned quarterly newsletter for all homes, please contact Hill Creative Alliance Secretary: lizmillman@yahoo.co.uk 



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